Stock Simulation Competition
The Competition Vision
The miniEnterprize Stocks Simulation is an opportunity for high school students to indulge in the whimsical world of trading. Not only does this opportunity strengthen financial literacy, research, and communication skills, but it also replicates a real-life business scenario for competitors to thoroughly extrapolate. At miniEnterprize, we believe that constructing a portfolio is more than just chasing after high-return rates. Investing is also about setting tangible, goal-oriented targets with a purpose in mind. For this reason, we have decided to completely reinvent our competition metrics for the 2024 Stocks simulation by introducing our brand-new investment case pitch. Competitors will now be evaluated based on a combination of both their trading performance and final report to explain the rationale behind their decisions.
Registration is free and will begin from October 4th, 2023 to October 11th, 2023. Trading will begin on October 12th, 2023, and end on Dec 29th, 2023. The final report deadline will be on Jan 12nd , 2024.